On 25/10/2023, an inspiring introductory workshop of the international project "Together for greater support of families of convicts", which is co-financed by the European Union as part of of the ERASMUS+ programme. The workshop was attended by over 30 representatives from a total of 17 organizations from three European countries, who shared their experiences, but also similarities and differences in individual systems and legislation within the EU.
The introductory workshop brought together representatives of organizations from the Czech Republic, Italy and Slovakia, who have extensive experience in working not only with convicted persons, but also with their families. Together with our partner, the Italian organization Gramigna OdV, we could not only present a joint project, but we also had room to exchange experiences, proven and innovative approaches and the specifics of individual EU member states.

Events except for VOLONTÉ CZECH, o.p.s. and the already mentioned organization Gramigna OdV was also attended by collaborating prisons (Jiřice, Světlá nad Sázavou, Kynšperk nad Ohří, Kuřim and Bělušice), non-profit organizations ( Yellow ribbon z.s., Podané ruce z.s., Sbarre di Zucchero and Sale della Terra) and representatives of The Corps of Prison and Court Guard of the Slovak Republic.

At the end of the workshop, the participants agreed on the importance of future cooperation. The main goal is to prepare and publish a handbook that will serve everyone who works or wants to work with this specific target group. The handbook should increase awareness of the problems faced by families of convicted persons, show examples of good practice and effectively fight against the stigmatization of families of convicted persons within society as a whole.
You can also download the press release from the workshop below.
The event took place within the project Together for greater support for families of convicts" reg. no. 2022-2-CZ01-KA210-ADU-000101184, co-financed by the European Union in within the framework of the ERASMUS+ program.