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Other services

We offer a range of training, retraining and other courses, with the aim of improving your skills and increasing your chances on the labour market. 

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Why do you help people free of charge?

All the services and training activities we provide are fully reimbursed within the framework of projects financed from the European Social Fund through the Operational Programme Employment and the Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole.

Who is behind VOLONTÉ CZECH?

VOLONTÉ CZECH o.p.s. is a non-governmental non-profit organisation established on 14 September 2000. We draw on our many years’ experience in the field of projects funded from Czech development aid, the UN, PHARE and European funds. The company’s team is made up of specialists, qualified counsellors, trainers and people who share a common desire to help those who need it. 

If you have a debt counselling centre in Mladá Boleslav, does that mean you only offer assistance in that area?

Our debt and legal counselling and other activities are not limited to one region only. We provide all our services throughout the whole of the Czech Republic. We run our Debt and Legal Counselling Centre in Mladá Boleslav within the framework of the project "VOL HELP" and "VOL HELP II", which is focused on the Mladá Boleslav Integrated Territorial Development Plan; our other projects are not limited to one region. 

If I want to collaborate with you, how does it work?

We resolve each client’s situation on an INDIVIDUAL basis. When you start collaborating with us, you will be allocated a debt/legal/employment counsellor, who will remain the same for the whole time you are with us. This counsellor enables us to resolve your situation and problems. In the case of financial matters, all the steps taken by the debt counsellor are also checked by a lawyer, to ensure that the services we offer clients are up to the requisite professional standard. 

What does "legal counselling" mean, exactly?

The "legal counselling" service we offer is associated SOLELY with matters concerning finances and debts. Our legal counsellors quantify your debts (together with a debt counsellor) and propose the most appropriate solution for you. They can also draw up and file an insolvency proposal FREE OF CHARGE, on the basis of the accreditation granted by the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic. However, legal counselling does not include representation in proceedings in court or with administrative authorities.

Can you help me even if I know that I have debts, but I don’t have any materials or other information on them? 

Yes, we can help you in these cases, too. Our clients often come to us with just the information that they "have debts somewhere". Our debt counsellors are also prepared for such situations and will identify and quantify your debts and lay out steps to get you out of debt. 

Can I use your services even if I have never been in prison and have a clean criminal record?

Yes, of course. In our projects we do focus on persons serving a prison sentence, but all the services and activities we offer and open to all clients, without restriction. We help the unemployed, people with excess debts, foreign nationals and mothers on maternity/parental leave, etc.

Where can I find out what training courses you currently offer? 

You can find information about all our planned courses on our Facebook, or you can write to us or call us

We’ll help you resolve your debts and find a job free of charge!

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