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5 inmates from Všehrdy Prison received a retraining certificate to work with a chainsaw

The second chainsaw operation retraining course for convicts took place in the Všehrdy Prison on September 8, 2022. We implemented this course in cooperation with Všehrdy prison, as part of the VOL Mentorink project, the Justice Program.

A total of 5 convicts, including one juvenile inmate, took part in the course. The course took place in agreement with the director of Všehrdy Prison and the mayoress of Všehrdy village, Ing. Petry Březinová, in the adjacent forest in the Všehrdy village. The instructor first introduced the convicts to the operation and handling of the chainsaw and the safety rules. The practical part followed, and the course ended with a final test.

All successful graduates were issued an accreditation certificate. Due to the great interest among convicts in obtaining retraining certificates, the chainsaw operation course will continue again in the spring of 2023.

The main goal of this project is, in cooperation with the five involved prisons, partners, and other stakeholders, to create appropriate conditions for resocialization and reintegration of 150 clients - to support involved clients in the positive aspects of their development. The main thing is to activate them to solve their problems to prevent recidivism. This project is implemented in cooperation with a Norwegian company Åpenhet AS and Czech company ProEduCo s.r.o.

The project is supported within the Program Justice, co-financed by the EEA/Norway 2014-2021 (, The provider of funds is the Ministry of Finance.


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